Steel Products Prices North America

October and November Imports Remain High

Written by Brett Linton

The U.S. Department of Commerce released updated license data on October and November foreign steel imports on Tuesday. The latest data shows October imports at just over 3 million net tons, well above the 2.3 million ton dip reported for the month of September. The majority of this change is due to an increase in semi-finished steels (mostly slabs going to domestic mills), up 500,000 tons between September and October. The latest trending data figure for November suggests total imports will be down to 2.7 million tons.

This means finished imports are just over 2.1 million net tons in October, up from 1.9 million tons in September. November license trends suggest finished steel imports will be just under 2.1 million tons. You can see how each product we follow fared in the table below.

Brett Linton

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