Steel Products Prices North America

US Steel Mills Export 1 Million Tons During April

Written by Brett Linton

The U.S. Department of Commerce released final census data regarding exports of steel out of the U.S. steel mills this past week. According to the US DOC data, the domestic mills exported a total of 1,079,723 net tons of steel products during the month of April 2014. This is in line with the previous two months as well as the 12 month and 3 month moving averages (see graphic below).

As with previous months, the NAFTA countries received the lion’s share of the imports as 561,158 net tons went to Canada and 368,214 net tons to Mexico. Combined the two countries received 929,372 tons of the 1,079,723 tons shipped.

Once you get outside of the NAFTA circle long products or semi-finished products (mostly billets which are used to make long products) seemed to be the majority of the shipments. The Dominican Republic, the third largest recipient of U.S. steel products, received 24,132 net tons of which 17,352 net tons was semi-finished steel.

Below is a table with a breakdown of the total shipments as well as flat rolled and plate items.

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{amchart id=”107″ Total Exports- All Products, Monthly, Net tons}

Brett Linton

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