CRU: Sheet prices hit bottom in Europe, pressure in other markets
This CRU analysis from discusses steel sheet prices, demand, and inventory levels around the globe this past week.
This CRU analysis from discusses steel sheet prices, demand, and inventory levels around the globe this past week.
The US sheet market appears to have reached a bottom following consistent weekly declines since April. However, other markets remain weak due to limited demand. Trading in Europe has been slow due to summer holidays. While European mills are also undergoing maintenance outages, these have not been enough to offset ongoing price falls, with weak […]
Low global sheet demand continued to weigh on prices around the world this week. In the US, mills were forced to remain aggressive to secure orders during this period of demand weakness. And compounded by recent new capacity ramp-ups, has forced US hot rolled (HR) coil prices down closer to levels seen in offshore markets. […]
Demand has remained persistently weak across the globe for sheet steel, weighing on prices. US HR coil prices fell the furthest this week as high-volume, low-priced deals were transacted as mills looked to fill order books and competed with one another amid relative demand weakness. Meanwhile, European prices were also down due to low demand […]
Steel sheet prices across most regions of the world were little changed this week. European buyers remain cautious regarding their outlook towards end-use demand and largely remained out of the market. A similar trend was seen across Asia, although skepticism on real estate stimulus measures in China led to w/w price falls. In the US, […]
Steel sheet prices in many regions of the world were steady week over week in the week ended April 17.
The CRUspi fell by 8.3% month over month (m/m) in March to 206.6 as weaker-than-expected demand weighed on markets around the world. Price falls were notable across all regions, with elevated inventory levels pushing prices in the US and Europe, and disappointing stimulus measures from the Chinese government weighing on those in Asia.
A weak start for sheet demand this year has continued to weigh on global prices. European demand outside of the renewable energy sector was weak enough that market participants said mills are likely to cut output further after several furnace restarts earlier in the year. In China, demand has also failed to pick up after recent holidays, and even government announcements of more stimulus measures during the country’s “Two Sessions” meetings failed to boost market confidence.
Surging US sheet prices and expanding lead times are making imports more attractive. The automotive workers’ strike is essentially over, and domestic US sheet prices have rocketed higher alongside lead times. There is little to suggest that the momentum of these price increases will slow over the next month or two, and thus imports have […]
Demand will be the determining factor in what happens to steel sheet prices globally for the remainder of the year, and most risks right now are to the downside. An autoworkers strike has started in the USA and could increase price volatility in the domestic sheet market. The longer and more severe this strike is, […]
By CRU senior analyst, Ryan McKinley Oversupply in most markets of the world is easing. The key trend we are following (and expecting to occur) is further output cuts in China, which should keep many markets more stable than they have been recently. In China, sheet oversupply will not ease in the coming week given […]
By CRU senior analyst, Ryan McKinley Supply has become increasingly available to sheet markets around the world. In many cases, this in coinciding with weak demand, creating a supply glut over the near term and increasing competition among exporters in major sheet-producing regions. The key for markets to retighten lies with China, with exporters there […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor Steel sheet price volatility has peaked in the US after record average week-on-week (WoW) price changes during 2022. In our view, prices will trade in a much narrower band over at least the next five years (barring any further black swan events) – […]
Sheet markets in most areas of the world have established a price floor within the last week. Still, in all markets we cover, demand weakness persists and threatens to either cap potential price increases or even reverse them. The CRUspi was little changed month-on-month (MoM) in December at 190.8 after nearly all markets reached a […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor Sheet prices took split paths between eastern and western regions. Prices in Asia found support from restocking in China and supply disruptions in South Korea. Meanwhile, western markets remained weak, and we expect this to persist over the near term. October is the […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor Prices for sheet products continued to fall rapidly around the globe this week. Mills in the US have become increasingly aggressive with their offers and are shifting their focus towards value-added products in order to obtain higher margins over costs. As a result, […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor, June 8 The CRUspi plummeted again month-on-month in June by over 12.3%, which is a larger drop than in May. This makes it the third-largest percentage point drop on record and the second largest in terms of total points. The supply shock caused by […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor, May 11 The CRUspi plunged month-on-month (MoM) in May by over 8.6%, which is the largest percentage point decline since late 2008 and the second-largest ever in terms of total fallen points. Supply chain readjustments for both sheet and steelmaking raw materials in the […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor, March 23 Persistently high steelmaking raw material prices and restricted global production pushed sheet prices higher w/w across the world. The largest of these increases were in Europe and the USA, with prices rising by triple-digit amounts for yet another week. Still, domestic […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor, March 16 Global sheet prices took notably different directions this week as the war in Ukraine caused record w/w increases in Europe and the USA, while a fresh outbreak of Covid-19 in China pushed domestic prices lower and prevented increases in other Asian […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor, March 9 The CRUspi moved higher m/m as war in Ukraine broke steel supply chains. While prices in the USA were down m/m, this downward trajectory has now halted. Elsewhere, buyers are scrambling to secure enough steel and steelmaking raw materials before prices […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor, Jan. 26 Steel sheet prices in the U.S. sank by about 9% w/w as they continued to fall towards the global average. CRU’s weekly HR coil assessment in the U.S. was $126 /s.ton lower than the prior week, and high inventory levels relative to […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Metallics Monitor, Feb. 10 The CRU metallics price indicator (CRUmpi) rose in February m/m by 2.4% to 392.9, gaining back some of the ground lost during January’s unusually bearish market. This slight upward trend was driven primarily by supply scarcity for obsolete grade scrap and pig iron, […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Metallics Monitor January 2022 The CRU metallics price indicator (CRUmpi) fell in January m/m by 4.4% to 383.9, which is an unusual move for this time of year. Demand in most markets, particularly in Europe and the USA, was weaker-than-expected, and relatively mild weather conditions leading up […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor, Jan. 5 Sheet prices fell in most markets around the world as supply availability grew. In the USA, market participants report that end users are cancelling or postponing orders, which has led to an even greater build up in inventory levels and caused […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Metallics Monitor , Dec. 8 The CRU metallics price indicator (CRUmpi) was little changed m/m in December at 401.6 after expectations of another price increase for metallics were dampened by weaker-than-expected demand. Supply is becoming seasonally scarcer in some markets. But, in our view, weakness in […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Long Products Monitor, Dec. 1 Long product prices again moved higher in the USA m/m following a larger-than-expected scrap price increase and unseasonably strong demand. Mill-announced price increases for wire rod were the largest at $80 /s.ton m/m, while merchant bar and beam prices were also […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor Falling demand in most markets around the world has continued to weigh on steel sheet prices. Meanwhile, the announcement that the USA will remove Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum producers in the EU and replace them with a quota system means […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Sheet Products Monitor Steel sheet price declines continue in the USA and Europe as lead times shorten further and inventories build. In the former market, small transactions are occurring at levels above $1,900 /s.ton, but there are many more deals occurring at well below this level. As […]
By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley from CRU’s Steel Metallics Monitor The CRU metallics price indicator (CRUmpi) changed little in October, declining slightly by 0.4% to 374.1. Price directions were mixed but fell by the most for European scrap and DRI while scrap prices in Asia had the largest increases. We expect to see similar […]