Trade Cases

Commerce updates import duties on plate from Korea, Italy

Written by Laura Miller

Import duties on cut-to-length plate from South Korea and Italy were recently updated by the International Trade Administration (ITA), which is a part of the US Department of Commerce.

South Korea – CVD

For the 2021 calendar year, the ITA set a final subsidy rate of 0.87% for Korea’s Posco.

The final rate was slightly higher than the 0.79% rate set for Posco in the preliminary results of the review.

In the prior one-year period, Posco’s subsidy rate had been set at 0.33% de minimis. No duties are collected on de minimis rates, which are typically less than 0.5%.

Italy – AD

For the one-year period ended April 30, 2022, the ITA set a final dumping margin of 18.65% for Italy’s NLMK Verona.

The final rate is slightly higher than the 15.88% rate determined in the ITA’s initial results.

Compared to the prior year’s results, however, the new rate is significantly higher. For the 2020-21 review, NLMK Verona had received a dumping margin of 0.9%. In that review, eight other companies received rates of 3.95%.

Laura Miller

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