Steel Products

Commerce Lowers Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Steel from Korea

Written by Laura Miller

While conducting administrative reviews of the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on corrosion-resistant (galvanized/Galvalume) steel from South Korea, the US Department of Commerce has preliminarily adjusted the duties downward.

Note that different dumping and subsidy rates could be assigned in the final results of these reviews, which are scheduled to be issued by the end of November.

Sunset reviews of these AD and CVD orders were completed last year. Commerce and the US International Trade Commission determined at that time that the duties should be maintained for at least another five years.

CVD Order

In a review of the CVD on Korean sheet, Commerce considered the 2021 calendar year.

The agency set preliminary subsidy rates of 6.71% for KG Dongbu Steel; 1.43% for Posco, Posco Coated and Color Steel and SeAH Coated Metal; and 0.59% for Hyundai Steel.

The new rates differ from the rates set in the prior year’s administrative review: 9.47% for KG Steel/KG Dongbu Steel and 9.47% for Posco, SeAH, SY Co., and Samsung Electronics Co.; and 0.27% de minimis for Hyundai Steel.

De minimis rates below 0.5% mean no duties will be collected on those imports.

AD Order

Commerce set preliminary weighted-average dumping margins of 0% de minimis for the Dongkuk, Hyundai, KG Dongbu, Posco, and SeAH groups of companies.

The new dumping rates are lower than the 1.79% rate set in the previous review for the above-listed companies, except for Hyundai, which also had a 0% rate assigned then.

Laura Miller

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