Steel Products

NexGen Metals Community Seeks To Get Young Talent Into Steel

Written by Michael Cowden

How do we attract young professionals to the steel industry? A group of seven highly accomplished steel professionals under 40 have come together to provide insights and real solutions.

With the help of SMU and CRU, solving that dilemma has become the focus of the NexGen Metals Community, a dedicated professional group founded in early 2022.

NexGenThe NexGen Metals Community is guided by three founding principles:

1. Accelerate the growth and development of talented young professionals (under 40) in the metals industry

2. Attract new, diverse talent into the metals industry

3. Build a hub for collaboration among the best of the best to generate meaningful results for the companies they work for

With so many associations and professional groups already established in the industry, why this and why now? We believe in the concept of mutual mentorship. It’s the best way to pass along industry knowledge from the C-suite to up-and-coming professionals. It’s also a good way for C-suite executives to learn new ideas and innovative concepts from younger professionals.

This two-way dialogue, which NexGen will foster, is a win-win. Not only does it increase employee retention and satisfaction, it can also directly contribute to the bottom line.

What’s in it for members:

• Exclusive access to NexGen Metals Community member events

• Invitation to the NexGen Metals Community LinkedIn Group for networking and discussing trending topics in the metals industry.

• 30% off SMU conferences (SMU Steel Summit and Tampa Steel Conference) and training workshops. (*A limited number of discounted places are available per event.)

• VIP networking reception at the SMU Steel Summit Conference

• Annual NexGen Metals Community Meeting at the Tampa Steel Conference

• Educational webinars for professional development and training opportunities

• Networking opportunities with C-level executives, speakers, mentors, and peers

• Complimentary three-month trial subscription to the Steel Market Update newsletter

Come be part of the future of the steel industry by joining the NexGen Metals Community!

Signup FREE here: NexGen Member Signup

Join the LinkedIn group here: LinkedIn Signup

You have to be a NexGen Member to join the LinkedIn Group. Contact with any questions.

And don’t forget to join the NexGen Steering Committee session at the SMU Steel Summit in Atlanta on Tuesday August 23rd at 1:45pm. The NexGen Metals Community Steering Group will be providing insights on how a company can develop culture, benefits, and best practices that attract and retain the next generation in the Metals Industry.

By Michael Cowden,

Michael Cowden

Read more from Michael Cowden

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