Trade Cases

Canada Keeps HR Duties on Three Countries, Lets Them Lapse for Ukraine

Written by Laura Miller

Canada’s government has decided to continue antidumping duty orders on hot rolled sheet and strip from Brazil and China and a countervailing duty order on HR from India, while allowing the AD duty order on HR imports from Ukraine to expire.


The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) issued its final ruling in the expiry review of the duties, which are applicable to imports of HR carbon and alloy sheet and strip, including secondary and non-prime material. The duties have been in place since 2001.

As a result of the CITT’s order, the duties on HR imports from Brazil, China, and India will continue for at least another five years until the next expiry review is conducted.

Commenting on the expiration of the duties on Ukrainian product, Yulia Kovaliv, Ukraine’s ambassador-designate to Canada, on her Facebook page said, “Since August 2001, there has been 77% tariffs on flat hot-carbon steel from Ukraine in Canada, which in fact stripped our manufacturers of the economic incentive to export their products to Canada. In 20 years, finally Ukrainian steel products can be exported to Canada again. We welcome the Canadian International Trade Tribunal decision today.”

Earlier this month, the US said it will remove the 232 tariffs on Ukrainian steel for one year.

By Laura Miller,

Laura Miller

Read more from Laura Miller

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