Trade Cases

U.S. Makers of Steel Cylinders Applaud ITC Ruling in Dumping Case

Written by Tim Triplett

The U.S. International Trade Commission ruled today that imports of steel propane cylinders from China and Thailand are causing injury to the domestic industry, marking a victory for U.S. producers including Worthington Industries and Manchester Tank and Equipment. The ITC’s final determination places dumping and subsidy margins of 37-217 percent on China and 10.77 percent on Thailand.

The ITC’s decision follows the June 17 determination by the U.S. Department of Commerce that imports of steel propane cylinders from China and Thailand were dumped and that imports from China were also subsidized.

Low-priced imports from China and Thailand surged into the U.S. market in recent years, displacing U.S. producers’ sales and market share. “This determination will lay the foundation for restoring fair pricing to the marketplace,” said Paul Rosenthal, counsel to the U.S. producers.

The two domestic producers plan to appeal the Commerce Department’s antidumping duty determination for Thailand with the U.S. Court of International Trade. They contend Commerce made significant errors in understating the dumping margin on Thai producer Sahamitr Pressure Container Public Company Limited. 

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