Trade Cases

ArcelorMittal Mexico Seeks Permanent Tariffs on Slabs

Written by Sandy Williams

ArcelorMittal Mexico is requesting that government officials impose permanent tariffs on the import of steel slabs into Mexico from non-free-trade agreement countries.

“Mexican slabs are without protection and we are working jointly and permanently with the SE to find a mechanism that could protect domestic production of slab from imports, which are impacting our ability to attend the domestic market,” says Jorge Guzmán, legal director of ArcelorMittal Mexico in comments to Kallanish.

In 2015, Mexico imposed temporary anti-dumping duties of 15 percent on imports of steel slabs, plates, wire rod, and cold and hot-rolled sheet from those countries with which it does not have free trade agreements. The duties allowed for renewal every six months and expired as of May 31, 2018. Permanent tariffs would also help stem diversion of steel slabs to Mexico as a result of the recent U.S. Section 232 tariffs on steel imports.

ArcelorMittal has a special interest in requesting tariffs to protect production at its new hot strip mill currently under construction at Lázaro Cárdenas. Announced in 2017, the three-year project will increase ArcelorMittal Mexico’s production from 4.0 million metric tons annually to 5.3 million tons, including 1 million tons of semi-finished slabs.

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