Steel Products

Stelco Joins AISI

Written by Sandy Williams

The American Iron and Steel Institute welcomed Canada’s integrated steel company Stelco to its membership at AISI’s recent board meeting in Washington, D.C.

 Stelco“With its significant presence in North America, Stelco will be a great partner in our continued advocacy to fight unfairly traded foreign imports and level the playing field for the North American steel industry,” said AISI President and CEO Thomas J. Gibson. “The company’s support for our collaborative research and pro-manufacturing agenda will also deliver added value to Stelco. I am pleased to welcome Stelco.”

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“Stelco is committed to helping ensure that the steel industry remains a foundation for the North American economy,” said Alan Kestenbaum, Stelco Executive Chairman. “As the producers of high-quality value-added hot rolled, cold rolled and coated sheet steel products for the construction, automotive and energy industries across Canada and the United States, we at Stelco look forward to contributing to the important work that AISI does on behalf of our industry.”


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