Steel Products Prices North America

California Steel Opens August at Dramatically Higher Prices

Written by John Packard

California Steel informed their customers earlier today that they were opening their August order book and their transactional (spot) prices on all flat rolled steel products produced by CSI were being increased as follows:

Hot Rolled     +$130 per ton ($6.50/cwt)
HRP&O         +$130 per ton ($6.50/cwt)
Cold Rolled    +$150 per ton ($7.50/cwt)
Galvanized     +$150 per ton ($7.50/cwt)

During the past few months California Steel has been able to open and close their order books within a few days time. With imports being restricted due to the antidumping and countervailing duty suits (AD/CVD) it is expected that their order books will fill quickly.

Last week USS/POSCO, another West Coast steel mill, announced they were opening their August order book at +$150 per ton ($7.50/cwt).

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