Steel Products Prices North America

September Steel Exports Down 21.5 Percent Over Last Year

Written by Brett Linton

September steel exports totaled 811,582 net tons (736,256 metric tons), down 1.8 percent over August and down 21.5 percent from September 2014. Total September figures are below both the thee month moving average (3MMA, average of July 2015 through September 2015 figures) and the twelve month moving average (12MMA, average of October 2014 through September 2015 data).

Total exports to Canada were 393,325 net tons and exports to Mexico were 330,025 tons. Total NAFTA exports accounted for 723,350 or 89.1 percent of all September exports. Here is a breakdown of flat rolled and plate exports:

Cut plate exports decreased 2.9 percent from August to September to 102,386 tons and were down 20.8 percent compared to levels one year prior. September levels were below both the 3MMA and 12MMA for cut plate products.

Exports of coiled plate were 26,426 tons in September, down 13.2 percent month over month and down 48.4 percent year over year. Coil plate exports through September were below both the 3MMA and 12MMA.

Hot rolled steel exports decreased 0.6 percent month over month to 62,021 tons and were down 13.5 percent from September 2014 levels. Total September exports were above both the 3MMA and 12MMA for hot rolled products.

Exports of cold rolled products were 73,854 tons in September, up 26.1 from August and up 28.3 over the same month last year. September cold rolled exports were above both the 3MMA and 12MMA.

Galvanized exports increased 8.1 percent month over month to 111,757 tons. Compared to one year ago, September levels were down 1.4 percent. September export levels were above both the 3MMA and 12MMA for galvanized products.

Exports of all other metallic coated products came in at 19,423 tons, a 6.7 percent increase from last month and a 22.3 percent decrease compared to one year ago. Other Metallic coated exports were below both the 3MMA and 12MMA through September.

An interactive graph showing the history of our steel exports history by product is available on our website here. If you need assistance with either logging in or navigating the website, please contact our office at 800-432-3475 or

Brett Linton

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