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USW Supports Trade Case Filing

Written by Sandy Williams

The United Steel Workers said Wednesday that the union fully supports the antidumping and countervailing petition filed on corrosion-resistant steel products. The petition, said the USW in a press release, details ”how a flood of subsidized and unfairly traded steel imports from China, India, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan has damaged the US steel industry by undercutting price domestic prices over the past three years.”

USW International President Leo Gerard, called on the Department of Commerce and USITC to act “swiftly and decisively” in defense of American workers.

“By any metric, USW members are the most productive and efficient steelmaking workforce on the planet,” said Gerard. “We cannot allow these family supporting, community sustaining jobs to disappear because our competitors continue unfairly dumping their subsidized products on our shores.”

USW International Vice President and Basic Steel Industry Conference Secretary Tom Conway said a “major overhaul” of U.S. trade policy and enforcement is needed.

“For decades, American workers have paid the price of failed trade policies and inconsistent enforcement of flawed trade agreements,” said Conway. “Congress and the administration need to take responsibility for changing the system that has cost more than a million manufacturing jobs and shuttered thousands of factories, mainly in industries that employ USW members.”

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