
Canada to Initiate Dumping Investigation on Steel Plate

Written by Sandy Williams

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is initiating an investigation into dumping of hot-rolled carbon steel plate and high-strength low-allow steel plate originating or exported from Brazil, Chinese Taipei, Denmark, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and the Republic of Korea. 


The investigation, announced on September 5, was prompted by complaints by Essar Steel, Sault Ste. Marie, that the dumping of the listed products is harming Canadian production.  

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the Tribunal) will make a preliminary decision by November 4, 2013 on whether the imports are causing injury to Canadian steelmakers. In the meantime, the CBSA will investigate the dumping allegation and make a preliminary determination by December 4, 2013. 

If the CBSA finds evidence of dumping a final decision will be made within 90 days of the preliminary determination. If dumping is found to be significant in margin and/or volume, duties will be levied on the goods released on or after the date of the CBSA preliminary finding. Retroactive duties are only used in cases when an unusually large increase in harmful imports occur before the date of the preliminary determination.  

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