SMU Community Chat with Marc Lerman of Steel Warehouse

Guests: Marc Lerman

Steel Warehouse Chief Commercial Officer Marc Lerman was the featured speaker on SMU’s recent Community Chat webinar.

What we discussed

We talked about the latest happenings at the multinational service center, how the company sees the current market developing, and more. We might even talk a little bit about hockey.

Steel Warehouse was founded by Marc’s grandfather, Nathan Lerman, in 1947. The family-owned business employs 2,100 people at locations across the US, Mexico, and Brazil. Steel Warehouse and its affiliates are leading producers of premier slit coil, sheet, plate, and tube products.

Why you should listen

Marc graduated from Indiana University in 1987 with degrees in finance and economics. He worked as a trader from 1987 to 1989 at the Chicago Board of Trade. Since then, he has worked for Steel Warehouse in various capacities and locations, including inside sales, operations management, and VP of purchasing.

On a personal note, Marc is married and has a 16-year-old daughter. He also enjoys playing as much hockey as the family allows and looks forward to hitting the road in retirement and rejuvenating his once flourishing stand-up comedy routine!