SMU Community Chat with Jared Rowe of Reibus

Guests: Jared Rowe

Reibus International Inc. CEO and Chairman Jared Rowe was the featured speaker on SMU’s recent Community Chat webinar.

What we discussed

We talked about what the latest leadership change at Reibus means for the company as it re-focuses on core businesses in steel, metals, and freight.

We also discussed how the market looks based on the activity Reibus sees coming across its digital platform.

Finally, we explored how Rowe’s background in automotive and technology should help him lead a company whose roots are in steel.

Why you should listen

Rowe is taking over where founder and former CEO John Armstrong and interim CEO Temy Mancusi-Ungaro left off. He has held leadership roles at Cox Automotive, AutoWeb, FordDirect, and At Cox, he oversaw the media solutions group, which included the popular Kelley Blue Book, AutoTrader, and

Reibus was founded in 2018 and expanded quickly, perhaps too quickly. Now the company is retrenching as it shifts from rapid growth to investing in its platform—the company’s foundation—to better support customers and the company’s future growth opportunities.

Rowe will address the challenges and opportunities that come with that process.