Flat-Rolled Steel Prices

Each week, we speak with our steel-buying sources across the country, and we use our proprietary steel market survey to provide our members with the range of prices available for that week. We produce a high, low, and average price for each product.

We produce price assessments on the following flat-rolled products:

wdt_ID Product Low Avg High
1 HR 850 925 1,000
2 CR 1,020 1,090 1,160
5 GI 1,040 1,100 1,160
6 AZ 1,070 1,110 1,150
7 PL 1,060 1,130 1,200

HR – hot-rolled coil
CR – cold-rolled coil
GI – galvanized coil
AZ – Galvalume coil
PL – plate