Cold-Rolled Sheet Thickness Tolerances

The table below shows the ASTM thickness tolerances for cold rolled steel as well as weight in pounds per square feet. Sheet weights are based on ordered thickness at 41.82 pounds per square foot per inch thick (nominal weight).

Sheet weights are based on ordered thickness at 41.82 pounds per square foot per inch thick (nominal weight).

Cold Rolled Sheet Thickness Tolerances

Gauge Min. Max. Nom Lbs/sqft
10 0.1285 0.1405 0.1345 5.624
11 0.1136 0.1256 0.1196 5.001
12 0.0986 0.1106 0.1046 4.374
13 0.0847 0.0947 0.0897 3.751
14 0.0697 0.0797 0.0747 3.124
15 0.0623 0.0723 0.0673 2.814
16 0.0548 0.0648 0.0598 2.501
17 0.0498 0.0578 0.0538 2.25
18 0.0438 0.0518 0.0478 1.999
19 0.0378 0.0458 0.0418 1.748
20 0.0329 0.0389 0.0359 1.501
21 0.0299 0.0359 0.0329 1.376
22 0.0269 0.0329 0.0299 1.25
23 0.0239 0.0299 0.0269 1.125
24 0.0209 0.0269 0.0239 0.999
25 0.0179 0.0239 0.0209 0.874
26 0.0159 0.0199 0.0179 0.749
27 0.0144 0.0184 0.0164 0.686
28 0.0129 0.0169 0.0149 0.623

*Gauge numbers are related to the construction/HVAC industries, while other industries/end uses may use different gauge and thickness designations. We suggest using the actual reference thickness in decimal inches.

You can visit the ASTM International website at for more information.