Steel Mills

Nucor Braces for Rail Strike

Written by Becca Moczygemba

Nucor Corp. is urging buyers to be prepared in case of a strike by railroad workers. The Charlotte, N.C.-based steemaker  warned in a Sept. 13 letter to customers that a Sept. 16 rail walkout is possible and provided some details around the situation.

A Presidential Emergency Board was established to help the Class I railroads negotiate with the rail unions and avoid a disruption to service. That discussion has been ongoing since Nov. 2019, however, an agreement has still not been reached. 

As of Aug. 16, 2022, the two parties began a 30-day cooling off period, during which no work could stop until 11:59 pm on Sept. 15. If an accord is not met by then, a strike is probable.

Ultimately, the duration of any strike is expected by the Class I railroads to be short, as it would have a significant impact on industry. Customers should work closely with their mill representatives to plan for alternative means of transport if necessary, Nucor said.

By Becca Moczygemba,

Becca Moczygemba

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