Steel Mills

The Latest on the Steel Supply Rollercoaster

Written by Sandy Williams

Two recent steel mill issues have taken steel capacity out of the market, further tightening supply. Sources report that a COVID-19 outbreak at ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor has disrupted production affecting “at least” 50,000 tons. Customers report they have been told some January orders will be delayed until February and new orders for February may not be filled. ArcelorMittal USA did not comment or confirm.

A liquid steel spill at the No. 2 Caster at ArcelorMittal Dofasco last weekend is expected to put the caster out of commission for four weeks.  A statement from the company spokesperson said: “As a result of an incident at our steelmaking complex in Hamilton, ON, on Saturday, Nov. 14, there is damage at the company’s No. 2 Continuous Caster, which is part of our Electric Arc Furnace stream. As a result, casting capacity is impacted over the next four weeks. No.1 Continuous Caster (BOF stream) is still operating and slab inventory is continuing to be processed to minimize disruptions. The company is working directly with our customers that may be affected.”

NLMK Pennsylvania production has also been reduced due the ongoing strike at the plant. The Farrell plant produces hot rolled and cold rolled coils primarily from imported slab.

Capacity recently added, or to be added, includes the ramp-up of Big River Steel’s second EAF and the return of the U.S. Steel Gary Works #4 blast furnace by the end of this year.

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