Steel Products

Steel 101 Workshop Instructors: Quality & Experience

Written by John Packard

Steel Market Update is excited to announce that after a successful Virtual Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals Workshop in October, we’ll be offering our next one Dec. 8-9.

The Steel 101 Workshop is taught by instructors with a combined experience of well over 100 years. The instructors have a wide array of business experiences including metallurgical, sales, purchasing, consulting and management positions. Our instructors have been or are currently involved in various segments of the industry: steel mill, service center, end user, trading company as well as market analysts.

This week we’re highlighting instructor Chuck McDaniels, principal of Mica Metal Solutions, LLC, a consulting firm in the field of metallurgy and quality assurance, along with sales and marketing. Chuck received his academic knowledge through the study of metallurgy and material science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Chuck then worked in the steel industry as both a process and product metallurgist, as well as holding positions in the commercial arena. He is intimately familiar with the integrated steelmaking process and light flat rolled products after working for over 30 years with Bethlehem Steel, the International Steel Group, ArcelorMittal, Severstal, and RG Steel at the Sparrows Point, Md., steel producing facility. He is an engaging communicator and has worked for the last three years as one of the SMU Steel 101 workshop instructors. He enjoys the interaction he has with students to help them understand the basics of the steelmaking process.

One testimonial: “Although the Steel 101 Workshop was virtual this year, the instructors still took ample time to answer questions and provide us with knowledge that will help us perform our everyday tasks in the steel industry!” Reggie Garrett, Steel Dynamics

The Dec. 8-9 workshop will be the 33rd Steel 101 program SMU has conducted. You can learn more about the workshop, agenda for our virtual program, instructor biographies, costs associated with attending and how to register either by clicking here or going to

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