Steel Mills

Canadian Innovation Initiative to Benefit ArcelorMittal Dofasco

Written by Sandy Williams

Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), a manufacturing and technology alliance devoted to promoting manufacturing innovation, has announced a $28.8 million collaborative funding effort to support nine cutting-edge Canadian projects, including one at ArcelorMittal Dofasco.

NGen runs Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster, a government initiative begun in 2018 that pledged up to $950 million to match private investments that spur the innovative and technological improvement of Canadian manufacturing. The latest funding effort includes a contribution of $11.3 million from NGen and $17.5 million in investments from 27 industry partners.

DofascoA consortium led by ArcelorMittal Dofasco is digitizing hot-ladle steel production at its secondary ladle metallurgy facility. Digital technologies will be used to improve the production process, minimize manual intervention, reduce process variation and improve final metal properties. The consortium includes ArcelorMittal, IBM Canada, Tenova Goodfellow, I-50 Canada and several research and ecosystem organizations.

Tenova is developing new sensors for the project based on its proprietary technologies, including two pioneering technologies not previously used in ladle furnace operations and one optical technology never previously used in vacuum degassing. In addition, a sensing network will be developed that will provide real-time process measurements. Tenova plans to adapt the Advanced Sensor Technology for use on other oxygen and electric steelmaking furnaces.

“Projects such as this bring together the best that Canada has to offer to undertake technology projects that will change our manufacturing processes for the better,” said Roger Tang-Poy, vice president technology, Dofasco. “We’re excited to be home to the pilot and to see the impact these advanced technologies will have.”

Another steel project that is part of the nine announced on July 8 will create what is touted as the world’s most sophisticated steel forming press. Conrex Steel Ltd. in collaboration with Macrodyne Technologies Ltd. and Source Industrial Services will bring new capacity and data to manipulate large thick panels for domestic shipbuilding needs on Canada’s East and West coasts, international sphere storage vessel forming and thick steel heads for pressure vessels throughout North America.

“Over the long-term, this project will elevate Canada’s ability to compete with European, Asian, and American steel fabricators, all the while strengthening demand for domestic talent within the steel industry,” said Larry Harrison, president, Conrex Steel Ltd.

About NGen – Next Generation Manufacturing Canada

NGen is the industry-led not-for-profit organization that leads Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster. Its mandate is to help build world-leading advanced manufacturing capabilities in Canada for the benefit of Canadians. NGen works to strengthen collaboration among its membership of more than 2,500 manufacturers, technology companies, innovation centers, and researchers, and provides funding and business support to industry-led initiatives that aim to develop, apply or scale-up transformative manufacturing solutions in Canada for commercialization in global markets. NGen’s goal is to generate at least $13.5 billion in GDP growth and create 13,500 new jobs

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