Steel Mills

Chinese Refractory Maker Plans Facility in Kentucky

Written by Tim Triplett

PRCO America, Inc., a Chinese company that manufactures refractory brick used by steel mills to line their furnaces and transfer ladles, plans to open their first U.S. facility, in Graves County, Ky., by the end of the year.

The western Kentucky location was chosen for its proximity to many steel mills, as well as to shipping access on the Mississippi river. The company will produce custom-sized resin-bonded magnesia graphite refractory brick for mills in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

PRCO America is a division of China’s Puyang Refractories Group Co. The company received a tax incentive to locate the $5.5 million facility in the state of Kentucky, creating 32 jobs.

–Reporting by Alice Buro

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