SMU Community Chat

SMU Community Chat Webinar: CRU Steel Sheet Forecast 2020-2021

Written by John Packard

On Wednesday, April 8, SMU will host our first SMU Community Chat webinar. The webinar will be hosted by SMU President & CEO John Packard and will feature Josh Spoores, CRU Principal Analyst and Editor of the CRU Steel Sheet Monitor.

Packard and Spoores will chat for about 30 minutes on CRU’s just released steel sheet forecast for 2020-2021. We will discuss demand, production and steel prices with a special focus on how the recent mill production cuts compare to the CRU view of demand.

We will provide an email invitation to readers that will contain the link to the meeting and a password. You will be able to reach the meeting by clicking on the link and entering the password.

Please note: We are using Zoom for the meeting. If you have never used Zoom before, when you click on the link you will be prompted to download free software from Zoom, which will allow you to participate.

If you have any questions for Packard or Spoores on the subjects mentioned above, please send them to:

There will be another reminder article in Tuesday evening’s issue of Steel Market Update.

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