Steel Products Prices North America

Nucor Raises Plate Prices by $40 Per Ton

Written by Tim Triplett

Nucor’s Plate Mill Group informed customers on Monday that it is raising prices on carbon and alloy plate and on heat-treated plate by a minimum of $40 per ton. The increase is effective on new orders accepted for January production.

Nucor’s move follows on SSAB’s announcement on Friday that it was increasing transaction prices for its plate products by a minimum of $40 per ton effective immediately for all new non-contract orders. This is the second price hike this month for SSAB, which announced its first $40 increase on Nov. 8.

Sources report that ArcelorMittal USA has made a comparable increase to its plate prices, though not in writing, and the steelmaker did not respond to Steel Market Update’s request for confirmation.

SMU data shows the current average market price for plate at around $680 per ton ($34.00/cwt).

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