Steel Products

SMU NexGen Leadership Award - Nomination Deadline Aug 1st

Written by John Packard

SMU NexGen Leadership Award – Nomination Deadline Aug. 1, 2019 – Award to be Given at SMU Steel Summit Conference

The first SMU NexGen Leadership Award – sponsored by the Steel Manufacturers Association – will be awarded at the 2019 SMU Steel Summit Conference

  • We are looking for qualified people in the industry (manufacturing, service centers, steel mills, toll processors, etc.) who are 35 years of age or younger.
  • Our goal is to find people who are creative, rising stars within their organizations, those who are over-achieving and looked up to as future leaders. For more information about the award, click here.
  • Judges: John Packard, President & CEO, Steel Market Update; Phil Bell, President, Steel Manufacturers Association; Eddie Lehner, President & CEO, Ryerson; Jack Bellissimo, Brand Manager, RACO Hubbell Commercial Construction; and we will be adding one more (female) judge in the next few days.
  • Support and promote youth in the industry by nominating your young rising stars. You can make a nomination by reading the information about the award and then going to or click on this link to download your nominee form:
  • The top three nominees (as selected by the judges) will receive free admission to the 2019 SMU Steel Summit Conference and travel expenses of no more than $1,000.
  • All nominees are eligible to attend the SMU Steel Summit Conference for $675 (no other discounts can be applied).
  • All nominees at the conference will be invited to a special reception where they will meet executives from the CRU Group, Steel Market Update and the Steel Manufacturers Association.
  • The winner will receive: Plaque or trophy for his or her desk, Mentorship Day with Steel Dynamics CEO Mark Millett, free admission to a future Steel 101 or Steel 201 workshop (2019 or 2020), free registration to the 2020 SMU Steel Summit Conference, video of the award ceremony.

Please take a few moments to review your people and nominate those who you feel excel at their jobs and are worthy candidates for the 2019 SMU NexGen Leadership Award. You can learn more by clicking here.

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