Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts
Written by John Packard
May 6, 2019
I got a call earlier today asking about a steel publication changing the direction of some of their flat rolled pricing. I responded that I don’t read the other trade publications, and I don’t follow their indices. I do not want to be influenced as I go through the always difficult, and sometimes tedious, process of determining where I am seeing spot pricing on flat rolled and plate steels. We reported our price ranges at the beginning of tonight’s issue and we will continue to watch pricing on an almost continual basis, looking for signs of a change in direction or in the speed at which we are seeing prices move.
I will be in Chicago beginning tomorrow (Wednesday) and will return to the office on Friday afternoon. I will be attending the Metals Industry Boy Scout Dinner on Thursday evening at the Hyatt. If you would like to speak to me while I am in Chicago, shoot me an email: I believe I have some time available on Thursday morning and mid-afternoon prior to the dinner event.
I understand there are still tickets available for the Metals Industry Boy Scout Dinner on Thursday. For more information click here. Tell them Lori Hahn sent you….
Next week I will be in Davenport, Iowa, for our next Steel 101 workshop (still have a couple of seats available) and later in the week I will be in Minnesota.
The week after that I will be in Atlanta for three days as I am speaking at a manufacturing company function along with the CRU Chief North American Economist. If your organization is interested in having me or our group speak or put on an educational program, please contact me at
We published our “Flash” report to service center inventory data providers today. This information is only available to our data providers. If you are a service center and you would like to participate in our inventory analysis (on a strictly confidential basis), please contact me. We are covering flat rolled and plate products in the United States.
I want to welcome our newest member companies to Steel Market Update. Please be aware that I encourage questions, comments and suggestions. This is one way we improve our product, and many times we get leads on what subjects we should be covering from our readers. Welcome aboard.
If you would like to become a member or would like to renew or upgrade your existing membership, please contact Paige Mayhair at 724-720-1012 or
As always, your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.
John Packard, President & CEO

John Packard
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Final Thoughts
With the tariff craziness showing no signs of abating, we take you on a tour of the current situation.

Final Thoughts
One thing we've learned from our survey here at SMU: When prices are rising, people have a lot to say. You can be assured that with our most recent survey, the comments were coming in fast and furious.

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Before we get whipsawed by the current moment, it’s important to reflect on optimism. Whatever happens, consumers are going to need steel.

Final Thoughts
Remember infrastructure week in Trump 1.0? It became a running joke. Because it was almost always derailed by whatever the scandal of the day was. In Trump 2.0, we've got tariff week. And unlike infrastructure week, tariff week is no joke.

Final Thoughts
That’s not to say Section 232 shouldn’t be tightened up. Or that certain trade practices – even among our traditional allies – weren’t problematic. But when it comes to the reboot of Section 232, I do wonder whether there will be some unintended consequences.