Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

Some notes that I made to myself during the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association meeting in Nashville this week. There is no panic amongst the attendees. Uncertainty reigns supreme, and uncertainty is difficult to live with. No one with whom I spoke was predicting prices to go crazy. Most felt there would be a modest uptick, and then things would go back down (or at worst move sideways).

I want to congratulate Andy Gross, CEO of Alliance Steel, on being recognized by the Association of Steel Distributors as the Steel Executive of the Year.

Speaking of the Association of Steel Distributors, they have been part of the FMA for a little more than a year now and the group is growing. Andy Gross mentioned they were now 100+ members strong and growing. The next regional meeting of the ASD will be in Chicago in June.

John Packard Summit 18I also spoke with Lori Hahn of Steel Dynamics about the upcoming Boy Scout Dinner in Chicago. Lori is co-chair of the dinner this year. For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, let me explain. For many years the steel (metals) industry has helped benefit the Boy Scouts of America chapters in Northern Illinois and Northwest Indiana through the Metal Industry Dinner. Last year, more than 1,000 executives in the steel and metals industry attended the late afternoon and evening event. The dinner is held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Chicago on Thursday, May 9. You can learn more about how to register to attend or how to donate to this event, which has been held for almost 50 years. I will be there; I hope you will join me.

Of course, while at the Boy Scout Dinner, you can come over and chat with me about our upcoming event in Atlanta at the end of the summer… In Sunday’s issue of Steel Market Update we will update our program and I will provide more color about what you can expect while attending this year’s SMU Steel Summit Conference. The dates for our event are Aug. 26 (arrive early this year) through Aug. 28 (you will want to stay through the end). If you have not attended an SMU Steel Summit Conference you are missing an incredible networking opportunity, in a great location, at a reasonable price, with a timely and creative program, quality speakers who will keep you awake and wanting more. There will be good food and we will entertain you… It takes me and my team over a year to plan and put on this conference. Click here to register.

Oh, I guess I should mention our next Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals workshop, which will be held in Iowa on May 14-15. We will be touring the SSAB minimill as part of our program. We are working out hotel details right now. As soon as that is done, we will begin to take registrations.

On March 18-19, I will be heading to Monterrey, Mexico, to meet with Ternium as they have agreed to host a Steel 101 workshop at their facilities. The date has not yet been selected, but I expect it will be in the later part of this year or early next year. I am looking forward to touring the Ternium facilities and I appreciate the mill working with SMU as we attempt to help educate as many young people (and old for that matter) about how flat rolled, plate and long product steels are made, rolled and sold.

I am in my office for the next few days. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at or by phone at 800-432-3475.

If you would like information about how to become an SMU member company, how to renew or upgrade your membership, or just general questions about Steel Market Update, Paige Mayhair is ready to take your call. She can be reached at 724-720-1012.

As always, your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, President & CEO

SMU Steel Summit 2019 Brochure Ad by CRU 3.7.2019

Latest in Final Thoughts