Steel Products

Tentative Labor Agreement for USW at ArcelorMittal

Written by Sandy Williams

United Steelworkers and ArcelorMittal have reached a tentative agreement on a new four-year labor contract after months of negotiating.

USW International President Leo Gerard and USW District 1 Director David McCall praised the union’s hard work, dedication and solidarity during the bargaining period.

“Through their hard work and sacrifices to improve the productivity and efficiency of our facilities, USW members earned the right to share in the company’s success,” McCall said. “We have negotiated fair agreements that improve wages and benefits while preserving retiree health care provisions and bolstering the protections afforded by our contract language.”

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The tentative agreement, announced Nov. 2, covers approximately 12,000 workers at 11 of ArcelorMittal’s USA operations in Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.  The agreement will replace the contract that expired Sept. 1, 2018, and will remain in effect until Sept. 1, 2022. USW members will receive a summary of the agreement and a ballot in the coming days in preparation for the ratification process. Ratification is expected within 30 days.

“We are pleased to have a new, tentative agreement with our partners at the USW and believe we have reached a fair and positive outcome for all parties involved without disruption to our business operations,” said John Brett, president and CEO of ArcelorMittal USA. “We are unable to comment on specific details out of respect for the ratification process. We extend our appreciation to our employees, customers and the community for their patience and commitment during the negotiation process.”

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