Steel Mills

USW Updates Members on ArcelorMittal Negotiations

Written by Sandy Williams

Negotiations between United Steelworkers and ArcelorMittal continued last week with counter proposals from management to the proposal submitted by the USW negotiating committee.

“On Thursday, ArcelorMittal responded to our initial contract proposal with predictably unacceptable counter offers limited to certain issues, so our work will continue as we bargain for a fair contract,” said a USW press release to members.

USW officials said the most substantial conversations revolved around repair and maintenance and capital expenditures, including “proactive maintenance” to keep the ArcelorMittal facilities running smoothly and safely. 

ArcelorMittal management discussed the company budgets for repair and maintenance and capital expenditure project and reviewed past and ongoing projects.

The company posted net income of $1.9 billion in the second quarter and is expecting demand to remain strong through the rest of 2018.

The company is seeking concessions on health care and pensions, as well as significant changes to incentive and vacation pay, family and medical leave, contracting out and other areas.

Said the USW in its update to members, “While there are differences between how our union and management approach these issues, we recognize that working together to make our plants more efficient and profitable will make all of our jobs more secure.

“Your continued support and patience during this process is appreciated. As these negotiations continue, it is absolutely essential for all USW members at ArcelorMittal to remain united in solidarity. Most of all, we urge everyone to stay focused on working safely and keeping each other out of harm’s way on the job.”

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