Trade Cases

Switzerland Initiates WTO Dispute Regarding Tariffs

Written by Sandy Williams

Switzerland has added its name to the list of countries seeking World Trade Organization consultation with the United States regarding Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum products.

SwissFlagThe Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) initiated a dispute settlement procedure with the WTO today, July 10. Although Switzerland does not have a large metal industry, the U.S. tariffs will affect about $80.5 million of steel exports to the U.S.

SECO said in its statement that “U.S. import measures targeted at protecting national security were unjustified.”

Switzerland is the eighth country to initiate a challenge to the U.S. under WTO rules. SECO hopes that a successful lawsuit against the U.S. in 2002 will be a precedent for a positive outcome against the Section 232 tariffs.

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