Steel Products

SMU Steel Summit Registrations Half Way There…

Written by John Packard

When the 2017 SMU Steel Summit Conference was over, and the SMU conference team had a moment to gather our wits and begin planning this year’s event, one of the first things we did was to set a new goal for attendees. The new goal set was 800 attendees, up from the 650 attendees that managed to make it to Atlanta in 2017. This week, we will clear 400 registrations, meaning we are half way to our 800-person goal.

The list of companies is already impressive (see below – note: companies with an * means there is more than one person coming from that company). Your company can join us by going to or contacting our offices at 772-932-7538. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta on Aug. 27 (begins at 1:30 PM ET) through 3 PM ET on Aug. 29.

For interested parties, we are also planning on producing a special price risk workshop on Thursday, Aug. 30. Contact for more information.

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