Steel Products Prices North America

U.S Mill Shipments Dip 1.5 Percent in February

Written by Tim Triplett

U.S. steel mills shipped 7,525,590 net tons in February, a 1.5 percent decrease from the previous month. The total was a 4.1 percent increase from the 7,232,341 net tons shipped in February 2017, however, reports the American Iron and Steel Institute in Washington.

Steel shipments year-to-date in 2018 total 15,161,931 net tons, a 1.5 percent increase vs. 2017 shipments of 14,940,757 net tons for two months.

A comparison of February shipments to the previous month of January shows the following changes: hot-dipped galvanized sheets and strip, down 2 percent; cold rolled sheets, down 3 percent; and hot rolled sheets, down 5 percent.

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