Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

Today is Feb. 11 and it has been one month since Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross sent his recommendation regarding Section 232 to the office of President Trump. Since then, there has been much speculation but nothing of substance as the industry waits for the president to remove the uncertainty.

Over the past week, I have been reaching out to steel traders to see what their thoughts are regarding Section 232 and other subjects. One trader told me, “It is impossible to run a business on no facts at all… We are not stopping but we are trading with our eyes wide open.” This trader told us that they have put language in their contracts that protects them should the government impose new duties. “You can go broke by doing nothing.”

So, as of Feb. 11, there are 59 days left before a decision must be made.

Speaking of days left – as of today there are 44 days left before our next Steel 101 workshop, which will be held in Merrillville, Ind., just outside of Chicago. We have a few spots left, and you can get more information on our website.

There are also 196 days before the beginning of our 8th SMU Steel Summit Conference. Registration is available on our website.

I will be in my office all week this week. Next week, I will be at the Port of Tampa Steel Conference. I do recommend the conference, which this year will have a few of our past Steel Summit speakers (and at least one current one) presenting. I look forward to seeing you there.

As always, your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

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