Steel Mills

ArcelorMittal to Shift Production from Cleveland

Written by Tim Triplett

ArcelorMittal USA is in the process of changing up production at its Cleveland mill. The company plans to transfer the production of cold-rolled annealed steels produced at ArcelorMittal Cleveland to its operations in East Chicago and Burns Harbor, Ind.

The product transfer plan is in development with targeted completion by the end of June. While the decision will result in reduced production from Cleveland’s batch anneal line and the idling of its temper mill, the product transferred will be replaced with hot-rolled. The change should have no impact on customers, said a company spokesperson.

ArcelorMittal will work closely with the United Steelworkers Local 979 to relocate approximately 25 to 30 employees of the impacted operations to other areas within the Cleveland facility, the company said.

“The decision aligns with ArcelorMittal’s focus on optimizing its most productive assets and being responsive to customer needs and demands. ArcelorMittal Cleveland remains well positioned for the continued production and qualification of galvanized advanced high-strength steels,” the spokesperson said.

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