Trade Cases

Trucking Trade Groups Support NAFTA

Written by Sandy Williams

Trucking associations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico issued a joint statement on Monday supporting an updated NAFTA agreement.

The North American truck-transported trade supports tens of thousands of jobs and generates billions in revenue annually, said the statement from the American Trucking Association (ATA), Cámara Nacional del Autotraporte de Carga (CANACAR), and the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA).

“Trucking and trade are synonymous,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. In the U.S. alone, cross border trade supports 46,000 trucking jobs, including 31,000 drivers, and generates $6.5 billion annually.

“Our industry demonstrates how trade creates good, solid long-term jobs across the continent,” said the associations. “The ripple effects are significant, too. In order to haul all the trade across our borders, our industries have to buy a significant amount of goods and services, from equipment to fuel to tires to insurance. “

“The trucking industries in Canada, Mexico, and the United States have all benefited significantly from NAFTA and we, the national trucking associations from all three countries, urge negotiators to update the trade agreement in a manner that continues to benefit trade,” the joint statement reads in part.

“We strongly encourage our governments to update NAFTA to keep North America competitive internationally. In this endeavor, making border crossings and rules governing international commercial transportation more efficient is a crucial element that will only help our industries make North America stronger.”

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