Trade Cases

Status of AD/CVD Annual Review on CORE/Cold Rolled Steels

Written by John Packard

Steel Market Update (SMU) asked trade attorney Lewis Leibowitz to update us on the status of the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) annual reviews. We were told that at the beginning of each month, the U.S. Department of Commerce publishes a notice of orders that are eligible for requests for administrative reviews. The notice for July was published on the 3rd and CORE (corrosion resistant) and Cold Rolled orders were on the list.

Here is a list of the flat rolled steel orders with the anniversary month being July:

Corrosion-resistant steel products: India (AD/CVD), Italy (AD), Korea (AD/CVD), Taiwan (AD), China (AD/CVD).

Cold-rolled steel products: Japan (AD), China (AD/CVD)

Interested parties, which can be domestic steel producers, wholesalers of domestic products, importers, foreign producers, foreign exporters and foreign governments, may request an administrative review. Leibowitz told us, “For foreign parties and U.S. importers, requests may only be made for exporters and producers they have dealt with. For domestic parties, any foreign producer or exporter may be the subject of a request.” The requests have to be filed by the end of July 2017, and Commerce will most likely announce whether a review has been initiated during the month of September.

We were also advised that any Section 232 duties can be on top of existing AD/CVD duties. Leibowitz was not aware of any reports that products subject to AD or CVD orders would be exempted from potential Section 232 duties.

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