Steel Products Prices North America

USS/POSCO Raises Flat Rolled Prices by $50/Ton

Written by John Packard

On Friday, June 16th USS/POSCO Industries (UPI) in Pittsburgh, California increased flat rolled steel prices by $50 per ton ($2.50/cwt). The steel price increases were to be in effect “immediately.”

Prices were raised on all products produced at UPI. This includes hot rolled pickled & oiled (HRPO), cold rolled (CR) and galvanized steels.

In a letter to their customers, Director of Sales for Sheet Products, MD Amin advised, “At this time, we have limited space to accept July orders for all products.”

This is the second increase announced by USS/POSCO during the month of June 2017. The mill took prices up $30 per ton on June 5th after California Steel Industries (UPI) led the charge with the same increase amount on June 2nd. All of the domestic and Canadian mills followed.

It is expected that the U.S. and Canadian mills will follow UPI’s lead and announce flat rolled price increases of their own next week (week of June 19th).

USS/POSCO is a joint venture conversion steel mill located in Pittsburgh, California close to San Francisco & Oakland, CA. The mill converts hot rolled coil to HRPO, cold rolled and galvanized steel coils servicing the West Coast markets.

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