Steel Mills

Coalition Appoints Dan DiMicco as Chairman

Written by Sandy Williams

The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) announced that, effective April 11, 2017, Daniel DiMicco will serve as Chairman. CPA is a nonpartisan coalition of domestic manufacturing, organized labor, ranching and farming focused on U.S. policies that ensure fair trade for Americans.

DiMicco was the former CEO of Nucor Corp and a member of President Obama’s Manufacturing Council as well as heading President Trump’s trade transition team.

“I am proud to have been appointed Chairman of the Coalition for a Prosperous America, an organization I helped found,” said DiMicco. “Our work has helped elevate responsible and effective trade reform to the top of the national agenda. We stand ready to work with the President, the Democrats and the Republicans to fix trade and create good paying jobs in America.”

DiMicco’s Nucor career from 1982 to 2000 elevated him from Plant Metallurgist to CEO. The Harvard Business Review listed DiMicco in 2010 as one of the top 100 Best Performing CEOs in the World.

Brad Markell, CPA’s Labor Co-Chair and Director of the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council, said, “Dan has solid relationships with elected officials and policy makers in both parties. He brings to his new role as CPA Chairman a deep understanding of how existing trade policies hurt our economy, and how to reform those policies to benefit American producers and American workers.”

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