Steel Mills

SMU Steel 101 Got the White Glove Treatment at North Star Bluescope

Written by Sandy Williams

Steel Market Update took our latest Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals on the road today as we traveled to Delta, OH to tour the North Star Bluescope steel mini-mill. Our group consisted of attendees visiting a steel mill for the first time (one of our attendees was on the second day of her new career) while others have been in the industry for many years. This class is a typical group with manufacturing, service centers and toll processors rubbing shoulders with two attorneys and an investor in the industry.

It was perfect day to visit a mill with sunny skies and temperatures in Ohio in the low 60’s.

North Star BlueScope Steel produces hot rolled coils from its two electric arc furnaces using three 24-inch diameter electrodes to melt a mix of scrap and pig iron into steel.  The twin shaft design of the EAF is only one of a handful to be found globally.  The furnace produces 190 tons of liquid steel every 40 minutes.

Our Steel 101 workshop was about to get up close to equipment capable of producing in excess of 200,000 tons of hot bands during the month of March.

Clad in protective jackets, helmets, ear plugs and gloves workshop attendees were able to climb catwalks and snake our way through the mill where we were able to witness the steelmaking process from charging the furnace, to the ladle metallurgy station, caster and then through the rolling process.

We want to thank Michael Hanson, Vice President of sales and marketing, and his staff, for providing an exciting and informative tour of their impressive 2.6 million ton a year mini-mill.

Our next Steel 101 workshop will be held in Ontario, California and will include a tour of the California Steel Industries (CSI) steel mill and pipe manufacturing facility. You can find details about this workshop on our website:


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