Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts
Written by John Packard
February 3, 2017
It is Super Bowl Sunday so I am going to keep this as short as possible. Everyone needs to remember that I lived in Atlanta for 34 years, having just moved permanently to Florida a little more than a year ago. Let’s hope for a good game and great commercials… Go Falcons!
As you know Ray Culley and I are working feverishly on the 2017 version of the SMU Steel Summit Conference. We are scouring the country for the best subject matter to broach as well as the best speakers. We invited Dan DiMicco to represent the Trump administration but we learned over the weekend that he will not be able to join us this year. We will continue to burn the midnight oil looking for the best way to address the new elephant in the room…politics and steel go hand and hand.
We want to do a section on the manufacturing view of the industry. I am looking for a few company CEO’s or VP’s that are able to discuss trade issues, manufacturing issues and to forecast the markets that they serve. If your company is interested, please contact me at: or 800-432-3475. I will most likely run this as a question-answer panel and not as formal presentations as we want to get the most out of the program. We are all ears and willing to discuss options and opportunities. If you know someone at your company or elsewhere that is an excellent communicator, please send me their details and we will take it from there.
I always listen to our past attendees and take their suggestions into consideration. If there is a subject that you think needs to be broached please let me know. Again, I am all ears.
Registration for the 7th SMU Steel Summit Conference is open and available online or you can contact Diana/Alison in our office for invoices or to register direct through our office. Their number is 772-932=7538.
We also have another Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals workshop coming up in Ohio in April. On April 11-12, 2017 we will conduct our workshop at the Radisson Hotel at the University of Toledo. We will also tour the North Star BlueScope steel mill as part of our workshop. Details and registration are on our website or you can contact our office at 772-932-7538 for more information, request an invoice, etc.
As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.
John Packard, Publisher
Post Script: OUCH! As I told my son who was texting me during the football game no matter how far in front you are the game is not over until the last second has ticked off the clock. Congratulations to New England as they were the better team for the entire 60 minutes (and, of course, overtime).

John Packard
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Final Thoughts
With the tariff craziness showing no signs of abating, we take you on a tour of the current situation.

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One thing we've learned from our survey here at SMU: When prices are rising, people have a lot to say. You can be assured that with our most recent survey, the comments were coming in fast and furious.

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Before we get whipsawed by the current moment, it’s important to reflect on optimism. Whatever happens, consumers are going to need steel.

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Remember infrastructure week in Trump 1.0? It became a running joke. Because it was almost always derailed by whatever the scandal of the day was. In Trump 2.0, we've got tariff week. And unlike infrastructure week, tariff week is no joke.

Final Thoughts
That’s not to say Section 232 shouldn’t be tightened up. Or that certain trade practices – even among our traditional allies – weren’t problematic. But when it comes to the reboot of Section 232, I do wonder whether there will be some unintended consequences.