Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

I want to take a moment to thank all of the attendees who attended our Steel 101 workshop in Huntsville, Alabama. We had a great two days and the Nucor team at Decatur did a great job hosting our mill tour on Tuesday of this week. Thank you again to Nucor for supporting our educational programs. Our next Steel 101 will be held in Toledo, Ohio where we will tour the North Star BlueScope mill. Dates for that workshop are April 11-12, 2017.

The scrap article in tonight’s issue is another warning shot across the bow of steel buyers. If scrap prices drop $30-$40 per gross ton in February the psychology of the market will change and buyers will expect concessions from the steel mills, especially after pushing prices up 5 times on the back of rising scrap prices… As I have said before, steel buyers must remain vigilant and stay close to their suppliers as well as those of us who are ferreting out market intelligence.

If you are seeing changes in the market (good or bad) please take a moment to email, text or call me (cell is 770-596-6268). I can be reached by email at:

I have been receiving a number of requests to do speaking engagements for companies as well as organizations associated with the industry. We are also getting requests to do private training (sales, customer service, market, steelmaking, etc.). My schedule, especially with the amount of time I have to focus on our upcoming Steel Summit Conference, is somewhat limited and I have had to raise my fees. If you would like information as to what we charge for either a speaking engagement or a custom training program please send me an email: with the details of your request (date, time allotted, subject to be discussed or taught, etc.) and I will do my best to get back to you with a response.

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher



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