
House Water Resources Bill Omits Buy America Provision

Written by Sandy Williams

House Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republicans removed the Buy America provision from the Drinking Water State Revolving fund sparking controversy among legislators in the House and Senate.

The Buy America legislation in the Water Resources Development Act, introduced by Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), passed the Senate in September with broad bipartisan support.

Said Baldwin, “By removing my Buy America standard, Speaker Ryan and House Republicans are embracing the status-quo in Washington. This is a failure by House leadership to make a solid commitment to American manufacturers and workers. American workers should build our infrastructure with American products and taxpayers’ money should not be spent on Chinese or Russian iron and steel. It’s disappointing that the President-elect is sitting silent in Trump Tower.”

On Dec. 6, Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL) and 12 cosponsors introduced an amendment to the Safe Drinking Water Act to require the Buy America provision be reinstated for water infrastructure projects funded through a State drinking water treatment revolving loan fund. The provision would require that projects for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of treatment works use iron and steel products that are produced in the United States.

Ohio Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown chimed in to support Baldwin.

“By stripping meaningful Buy America rules from the water infrastructure bill, Washington leadership is choosing China and Russia over Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” said Brown. “This was the first major test of whether Washington establishment Republicans would live up to President-elect Trump’s promises to put American products and American workers first – they failed, and American iron and steel workers will pay the price.”

Today, Dec. 8, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued the following statement on House passage of S. 612, the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act:

“This bill provides the resources necessary to ensure the safety and longevity of our water infrastructure, which is a part of everything from commutes to commerce. Importantly, we are fulfilling our commitment to help the people of Flint and communities affected by contaminated drinking water. In addition, we are taking steps to deliver much-needed water relief to Californians, who are experiencing their worst drought in a century. I applaud Chairman Shuster for his work on this important legislation, which we look forward to sending to the president’s desk.”

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