Steel Products Prices North America

West Coast Galvanized Extras Analysis

Written by John Packard

Many service centers and end users in Colorado and east of the Rockies have known for years that California Steel and USS/POSCO have lower galvanized coating extras than the domestic steel mills located outside of California.  On Sunday we published a number of the new extras published by many of the mills located outside of California (we did include the UPI = USS/POSCO extras).

SMU has always advised steel buyers to be aware of their full costs when evaluating steel mills and selecting suppliers. One of the areas to consider are the extras charged by each individual mill for a whole host or reasons: gauge/width, quality, coil weights, surface treatments, special testing and more. This evening we are continuing our work on the zinc coating extras being charged by California Steel and UPI for galvanized steel products produced off their mills.

As part of our support for the domestic steel industry and those who purchase products from steel mills and service centers, Steel Market Update has the various mill extras on our website and we do a comparison of the various mills coating extras and their changes as we receive them. You can find this analysis by clicking on this link or searching under the Resources Tab on our website.

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