Trade Cases

Update on Flat Rolled and CTL Plate Trade Suits

Written by Sandy Williams

We thought now would be a good time to revisit each of the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty trade suits associated with flat rolled steel or plate to report exactly where each one stands at this time. We are reaching the point where most will be through the entire process with the last step being the ITC (International Trade Commission) final determination. As we have seen, there can be changes as we move through the process and the importer of record is the one on the hook for any changes in duties/cash deposits. (ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW)

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There have been some surprises as we saw late last week with the hot rolled final determination by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Korean steelmaker POSCO was hit with punitive duties because the DOC could not confirm some of the answers to the Commerce questionnaire.

If you have any questions we recommend attending our 6th Steel Summit Conference as Lewis Leibowitz will be addressing the gathering on Monday, August 29th at 3:30 PM. Details about the conference can be found on our website:

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