Trade Cases

USS Section 337 Decision to Move Forward Due on Thursday

Written by Sandy Williams

The International Trade Commission is expected to make a decision May 26 on whether the Section 337 filing by US Steel will move forward. The complaint contends China stole trade secrets, fixed prices and participated in transshipping and mislabeling of steel products to evade duties. If the trade action is successful, the US International Trade Commission could bar all offending Chinese steel products from the U.S. market.

US Steel President and CEO Mario Longhi expressed gratitude to those who have submitted letters of support to the International Trade Commission encouraging the ITC to initiate an investigation into the allegations contained in the company’s 337 filing against Chinese steel producers. More than 230 politicians, union and trade associations and firms have written the ITC to express their support.

Longhi issued the following statement:

“As the International Trade Commission (ITC) moves through the investigation process of the complaint we filed under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, we are heartened by the show of support from all of our stakeholders. Our customers and suppliers have sent letters of support to the ITC and the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). In addition, the many unions with whom we work side-by-side on a daily basis have shown their support by writing letters and signing petitions. Local, state and federal elected officials in our operating areas have also shown their encouragement for the filing by letting the ITC and the USTR know how important this investigation is to U. S. Steel, as well as the industry. Finally, and most importantly, our employees continue to champion our many trade efforts by signing petitions. This is proof positive that we are right in our pursuit of justice.”

A list of supporters can be found on the US Steel website.

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