Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

SMU still has a number of open spots available for our next Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals workshop. The workshop will be held just outside of Toledo, Ohio as part of our program will be a tour of one of the most successful flat rolled mini-mills in the United States, the North Star Bluescope mill. Our highly experienced instructors, who come from steel mills (long and flat rolled), service center and manufacturing, are looking forward to working with another exceptional group of attendees. If you would like to learn more about our Steel 101 workshop please go to our website or feel free to contact me at: or by phone at: 800-432-3475 with any questions you might have.

I want to welcome our newest member companies (subscribers) to Steel Market Update. I encourage you to spend time going through our website as well as reading our newsletters. If you need help navigating the site or have questions please contact: and he should be able to assist you. If you have questions, comments or suggestions we are all ears. You can send them to me personally (my email is in the paragraph above) or to our general inbox: Thank you for putting your faith in us and we will do our best to provide the best informed market intelligence possible.

I will be in Naples, Florida on Thursday through Saturday of this week attending the Association of Steel Distributors (ASD) annual meeting.

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

Latest in Final Thoughts