Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

Sources are telling SMU that the Nucor Decatur EAF’s will be offline for 10 days in early March as the mill replaces one of the furnaces. This is added on top of the idling of the Granite City (USS) and Ashland (AK Steel) hot ends plus the closure of the USS Fairfield hot end.

Note that SMU incorrectly named AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) as the originator of the email in the article “Senate Vote to on Customs Bill Thursday,” it has been corrected to American Institute for International Steel (AIIS).

Note that our sources are telling us the hot rolled antidumping preliminary duty announcement has been moved out a week. The AD announcement should be out around the 15th of March.

Our sources are telling us CSN (Brazil) is sold out for production/shipment for export to the U.S. through June. They are pulling back on taking new orders waiting to see what happens next with both trade cases and domestic prices.

I want to take a moment to welcome our newest members. We have added a number of new Premium members recently which we appreciate. As with any membership we welcome questions, comments and suggestions on how we can get better (or for subjects we need to cover). A good portion of our leads and article ideas come from our readers. You can reach us at or by phone at 800-432-3475.

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

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