Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts
Written by John Packard
January 13, 2016
After reviewing the results of last week’s flat rolled market analysis (our survey) I continue to be optimistic that business conditions will continue to improve as 2016 progresses. We broke the negative trend in our Sentiment Index, we are seeing more optimistic results from manufacturing as they look out three to six months into the future and the erosion of prices has stopped.
I do agree with Spencer Johnson in tonight’s HRC Futures article. The domestic steel mills have to remain reasonably competitive with foreign steel or they will do nothing more than invite domestic buyers to return to foreign products. The countries may be different but the results for the domestic mills will be the same.
A note that I will be in Mississippi early next week as we conduct another one of our Steel 101 workshops. We will be touring the SDI Columbus steel mill and we are looking forward to working with our friends at SDI and at the Columbus facility once again. We hope to be able to announce our next Steel 101 workshop in the coming days. Later this year (probably October) we will host our first workshop at the brand new Big River Steel mill in Arkansas.
I want to remind everyone to take a few minutes to register for our Leadership Summit Conference in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The dates are March 7-9th and our exceptional program can be found on our website. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 800-432-3475 or by email:
For those attending ASHRAE I will be attending the Orlando, Florida show for at least the opening day.
As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.
John Packard, Publisher

John Packard
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