Steel Markets

Nexteer Strike Over In Just One Day

Written by Sandy Williams

The Nexteer Automotive strike was called off after just one day. A second tentative agreement was reached on Tuesday night, Dec. 8 and workers at UAW Local 699 were told to resume their scheduled shifts.

The first tentative contract was rejected by an overwhelming majority of workers at the company which produces steering and driveline systems for Detroit and foreign automakers.

UAW Local 699 president Rick Burzynski said, “Everybody stand strong in solidarity. Your voices were heard and the leadership is there for you. We’ve always been there for you.”

The new agreement will be voted on sometime next week and addresses most of the concerns expressed workers regarding wages, benefits and health insurance costs. Highlights of the agreement will be released in the next few day followed by copies of the complete contract.

“We’re going to give them a little more time this time to review everything,” said Burzynski.

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